Occupational Health Project wins Award

Freudenberg Group honors SurTec project with "We all take care" award

Occupational Health Project wins Award

"We all take care" is an initiative of the Freudenberg Group that promotes occupational safety and health as well as environmental protection, social responsibility and site safety.
The initiative was launched in 1999 by Freudenberg's top executives.

Each and every employee of the company has since been called upon to contribute his or her ideas and suggestions for improvement, thereby personally contributing to the implementation of the principle of "responsibility" in their environment. Individuals often know best where to improve their working conditions, where risks are and how to avoid them.

We all take care (WATC) includes the topics safety and health of all employees, environmental protection, social responsibility and site safety.

Each year, an internal jury evaluates all submitted projects and honors the three best initiatives with the "We all take care award".

Since its launch, the "We all take care" initiative has made an important contribution to reducing the number of accidents at Freudenberg. The strategic goal of occupational safety at Freudenberg continues to be to avoid all accidents.

Occupational safety and health, environmental protection, social responsibility and site safety are also central and indispensable topics of SurTec's corporate philosophy.

In 2018 SurTec submitted a very special project in the category "Occupational Health Management". Together, the workforce walked around the globe in 50 days. With a participation rate of over 60% and over 100 million steps taken, the project titled "One Team - One Globe in 50 Days" was an international success.

The background to this action is the World Health Organization's recommendation to walk at least 10,000 steps a day. With this daily amount, it is possible to prevent cancer or diabetes. Also, the risk of heart attacks and osteoporosis is reduced by walking at least 10,000 steps a day. Surveys have shown that people walk on average only 1,500 to 5,000 steps per day.

With "One Team - One Globe in 50 Days", SurTec motivated its employees worldwide to counteract this negative development. Equipped with pedometers, the workforce walked for 50 days in groups of five and thus, we had a competition. Not only the direct competition for the title "Best Team" or "Best Runner" motivated the participants, but above all the common goal of walking around the equator was a great motivator. The teams reached this goal even before the end of the 50 days. Also, even after the the project ended, a large number of colleagues voluntarily agreed to continue pursuing the daily goal of 10,000 steps. We are very proud of this commitment.

This extraordinary willingness, the outstanding team spirit and, of course, the magnificent success were rewarded with the 3rd place of the Freudenberg We all take care Award 2018. The "One Team - One Globe in 50 Days" project won against over more than 160 submitted projects from across the Freudenberg Group this year.

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