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SurTec 149


  • No extra defoamer required, minimal foam formation even with high load of lubricants
  • Optimal adhesion and no porosity issues with traditional (PAM, BPA) or advanced (BPA-NI) in-line coating systems
  • Minimal attack without loss in gloss
  • Significant reduction of chemical consumption via minimisation of concentration and overflow
  • Proven track record of optimizing process costs by 20-50%
  • Available as Si-containing (SurTec 149) and Si-free version (SurTec 149 SF)


一体鋳造のアルミニウムスプレー缶の洗浄に関して、当社はプロセスコストの最適化に努めています。SurTec 149は、水の消費を減らし、バスの寿命を延ばし、メンテナンスの労力を大幅に削減します。

Cleaning line for aluminium cans



  • Torsten Koerner
    メッセージの宛先 Dr. Torsten Koerner
    Global Director Products Industrial Parts Cleaning & Metal Pre-Treatment
    SurTec International GmbH
    Neuhofstraße 9 64625 Bensheim ドイツ

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