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SurTec 555

Passivação Orgânica para HDG

  • Applicable as both, quench (hot) or passivation (cold)
  • No subsequent drying or curing required
  • Intensifies the visual impression of the original galvanized surface
  • Corrosion protection close to inorganic passivations
  • Maximum life-time via minimum Chloride sensitivity
  • No white marks of Zn-residues on the surface
  • Approved for rebar applications in concrete by the BAM

The water-based passivation SurTec 555 is a chromium-free product specifically developed for the hot dip galvanizing industry. As a post-treatment technology it maintains the bright finish of HDG parts. This product forms a clear, organic film and is air dryable. 
Freshly galvanized parts can be immersed into the bath with an object temperature of up to 200°C. Immersion of hot parts increases the resistance against contamination of zinc ash and chloride even further. 
Temporary corrosion protection (close to an inorganic passivation), gloss preservation and a long bath lifetime due to exceptional resistance against bath contamination are among others major advantages of SurTec 555
Additionally, SurTec 555 is qualified by the German federal institute BAM to be used as post-treatment for galvanized reinforcement steel. 


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  • Torsten Koerner
    Sua mensagem para Dr. Torsten Koerner
    Global Director Products Industrial Parts Cleaning & Metal Pre-Treatment
    SurTec International GmbH
    Neuhofstraße 9 64625 Bensheim Alemanha

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