High-performance cleaner halves defoamer consumption

Technical article published in JOT 62 (2022) issue 15, p. 46-47

Its diverse range of applications make PET one of the most important plastics in daily life. The PET flakes produced during recycling must be cleaned and separated before being processed into new products. A foam-suppressing, high-performance cleaning agent halves the use of defoamer in this application.

Cut defoamer consumption in half with SurTec

Every year, many millions of tons of single-use PET (polyethylene terephthalate) bottles are recycled worldwide, from which PET flakes are recovered and processed into new bottles or other products. To obtain clean, high-quality flakes, contaminants such as food residues, labels and adhesives must be removed from the crushed bottles. The polymer chains of the plastic must not be damaged in the process. Foam impedes flake cleaning in this process. Read in this technical article how cleaning technologies from SurTec can halve defoamer consumption. 

The article was published in JOT 62 (2022) issue 15, p. 46-47. 


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