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SurTec 650

Tri-chrome Passivation for Aluminium

  • QPL-listed; Meets MIL-DTL-81706-B and MIL-DTL 5541-F
  • Global benchmark technology in the electronics industry due to low surface resistance
  • Global benchmark technology in the aerospace and automotive industry due to best-in-class bare metal corrosion protection and excellent paint adhesion on painted substrates
  • Global benchmark technology in the architectural industry due to outstanding filiform corrosion resistance and best-in-class paint adhesion to powder paints
  • Based on a NAVAIR-Patent

Electrical Conductivity with no Contact Corrosion

Uncompromising quality is of fundamental importance in the aerospace industry. To ensure functionality at the highest level, aircraft manufacturers define very specific requirements for the surface finish of aluminium electronic housings. In addition to corrosion resistance in the uncoated state, the surface must on the one hand be electrically conductive and on the other hand not tend to contact corrosion with other metal components. When using SurTec 650, this complex requirement profile is fulfilled, so that the Cr(VI) compounds, which are still widely used in the aerospace industry, can be replaced. 


Reliable Protection of Electric Drives

Especially for connector strips with insert seals, which are increasingly used in electric drives, sufficient corrosion protection against seal creep is explicitly required during corrosion testing in climate alternating corrosion tests. By using the chromium(III)-containing passivation SurTec 650, corrosion protection against seal creep can be significantly improved.

Corrosion Protection for the Aerospace Industry

As a replacement of cadmium coatings for fastening elements in the aerospace industry, Aalberts Surface Treatment GmbH has developed a combination of an ultra-thin PVD aluminium coating with the chromium(VI)-free passivation SurTec 650. This way the properties of the substrates steel and titanium, which are the core of the fasteners, are crossed with those of aluminium. Hence, the treated components do not show any risk of hydrogen embrittlement or contact corrosion even though they are made of steel or titanium. At the same time they are corrosion resistant and electrically conductive due to the passivation with SurTec 650

Pre-treatment System for Future-oriented Technologies

5G is the mobile network technology of the future. It enables real-time transmissions and forms the basis for the digitalisation of numerous processes in both industrial and private environments. For reliable network operation, 5G antennas and masts must be effectively protected against corrosion. Top global 5G suppliers rely on SurTec 650 for the use on their components. 

5G Mast

Applicator Qualification

Together with leading OEMs from the automotive, electronics and aerospace industries, SurTec has developed a process that allows applicators of SurTec 650 to qualify for a specific requirement. The resulting qualification gives the end customer or OEM an indication of the process suitability of a SurTec 650 coater for a defined requirement. On our password-protected site, OEMs and Tiers can find qualified SurTec 650 applicators for their specific application.

SurTec 650 Qualified Applicators

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  • Torsten Koerner
    Your message to Dr. Torsten Koerner
    Global Director Products Industrial Parts Cleaning & Metal Pre-Treatment
    SurTec International GmbH
    Neuhofstraße 9 64625 Bensheim Germany

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