Please note that the download section of this website is exclusively addressing business customers.
Just make a few entries below to get access to our complete range of downloads.
Dear visitor, please register to get access to our download section. Please complete all mandatory fields. We will then send you an e-mail with your personal log-in data. On registration, you will have access to all product information sheets and our Knowledge section on this site. We provide you with access to our download area free of charge in return for permission to send you information about our products and services to the e-mail address you have provided. By registering on this website you agree that your data will be processed at our Holding in Germany and our subsidiaries. Furthermore, you agree on being contacted by our Holding or the subsidiary responsible for you. You can find out which SurTec company is responsible for you here:
If you don't agree you might also get the requested documents by contacting us via the contact form.
Should you require a safety data sheet, please contact us via the contact form. We will send the SDS to your e-mail address without delay.